How to go from Feature to Outcome

Start with the feature request

  1. Step back and state the problem

    • Which user problems or needs are you trying to solve?

    • For whom are you solving this problem?

  2. Figure out the impact of the problem by asking, "What benefits come from solving this problem?"

    • What benefit would users get from having this problem solved?

    • How does solving this problem help our business?

  3. Gather user data

    • How do we know the user has this problem?

    • Is this problem one we should be solving?

      1. Is there a market for solving this problem?

      2. Does this problem fit within our core competencies?

  4. Set concrete goals and define success criteria

    • So what if we solve this problem?

    • How do we know we've succeeded?

  5. Write an outcome using steps 2, 3, and 5

    • Ex: For (user or segment of users we're solving the problem for), who (problem) we will

  6. Return to the original feature request and test multiple ideas

    • Features become solution candidates that are tested